Finding My Path
by Stephanie Annis
Summary: Stephanie Annis has a passion for books, history, and cannabis.
She can't recall a time in her life when she didn't know something about cannabis. Over the course of her life she has written many papers, given speeches, all while living with Crohn's Disease rollercoaster.
Stephanie's beliefs gave her strength to follow her destiny. Deciding to sharing her story, her truth, about cannabis was not the easiest choice. Though she shares it because it is both a true lesson and an important one.
Her calling was a life long calling but her activism didn't begin until 2008; when she first shared her story.
In 2010, on New Year's Day, she was invited to speak the First Michigan Caregivers Cup. Though she had given a few quote to newspapers and allowed to have her story posted online, this was different.
One holiday with family, while packing, Stephanie shared her concern about appearing publicly with her mother; a once avid opponent of marijuana.
Hearing her mother tell her that she needed to tell her story gave her the courage to pursue her passion, cannabis education and activism.
It has become her calling and her one true purpose in life; to share the truth of the curative powers of cannabis.